How do LASERs get so powerful?

In, 21st century , photonics is main field. LASER has revolutionized almost every field. Winners of Nobel Prize in physics,2018 has developed a revolutionary techniques to create LASER pulse of extremely extremely high peak and which lasts for a millionth of a billionth second. that method is called” Chirped Pulse Amplification”. diffraction grating is so …

Directed Evolution

In this industrial era, where green chemistry is becoming more and more significant, how if we can create enzyme that can catalyse commercially useful reactions. How to do that? Enzymes are made up of proteins, and thus we need to make better proteins than the one which already exists. How to synthesize better proteins? Enzymes …

Can we stop aging?

Science of Aging has always fascinated scientists. why do we age? In 2009, 3 biologists, namely Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak, received Nobel prize in physiology and  Medicine for their research on end parts of chromosomes, called telomere which explains why do we age. The end part of Chromosomes act as …

Artificial Radioactivity

In the last blog on Radioactivity,  we learnt that some elements in nature emits radiation spontaneously. That is called Natural Radioactivity. In 1934, husband-wife team of Irene Joliot and Frederic Joliot Curie were awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of their synthesis of new Radioactive elements. The story behind discovery Irene was the daughter …


OVERVIEW In 1896, Marie Curie started her Research in Radioactivity. Nucleus of the atom stays bound due to strong Nuclear force. But some unstable nucleus disintegrate spontaneously and shows radioactivity. There are 3 types of radioactive decay. This discovery has revolutionised Science in many ways. The story begins in 1896. After a series of experiments, …